Accreditation of prior experience and learning

Our practitioner accreditation process is designed for skilled and experienced facilitators to consolidate their practice at one of three accredited levels. It also allows facilitators who have trained with AoF, or an AoF-recognised provider, to gain further credit at a higher level, or to reaccredit after a break.

The application process involves first engaging reflectively with your development as a facilitator, and next gathering evidence of skill and competence in the form of a portfolio presented in person at an interview. The process is developmental, supportive and challenging and enables facilitators to review and benchmark their skills while recognising that there are many possible routes to an established facilitation practice.

Participants report that the process provides a rigorous yet flexible structure for personal reflection and professional validation and a valuable ‘career checkpoint’. It is also an opportunity to work relationally with experienced facilitators, receiving supervision, personalised feedback and a detailed feedback and accreditation profile report. A workbook extract and sample reports are available below.

Throughout the largely self-directed activity, significant support is provided by AoF in the form of a detailed workbook and a one-to-one support person. From application to accreditation is typically a 4-6 week process, depending on spaces available on our Practitioner Accreditation Days.

Prepare and Submit your Portfolio

The step-wise process is fully described in a detailed workbook (with examples). Once enrolled, you will be allocated an AoF mentor/advisor to answer questions about the process and to guide you through the seven steps necessary to submit a portfolio:

  1. Take time to identify, review and reflect on your range of experience and learning as a facilitator
  1. Identify the relevant experiences for which you seek credit. Undertake an analysis of your skill, experience and learning, including client and peer feedback.
  1. Provide the supporting evidence. Evidence can be submitted in a variety of formats such as text, audio, video, images and other communication materials.
  1. Match your experience and learning against FACETS®.
  1. Write your self-assessment statement
  1. Prepare your accreditation profile
  1. Submit your portfolio

Interview and Award of Accreditation

Your portfolio of evidence is reviewed by AoF and independent confirmation of selected qualifications, skills, experiences, and feedback is sought.

  1. You attend an interview, witnessed by other applicants, at which you present an overview of your porfolio, answer questions, receive and offer feedback.
  1. Detailed written feedback and an accreditation profile (with levels indicated) is sent to you.
  1. Accredited practitioners are supported to self-regulate and engage in continuous professional development.

Practitioner Accreditation – How to Apply

The cost of Practitioner Accreditation is £1500 (no VAT is due) which includes the workbook, one-to-one support and attendance at an accreditation day. Discounts are available for not-for-profit organisations and for self-funded individuals.

Accreditation dates can be found below and we meet at Highfield Park, Hook, Hampshire, or online by arrangement.

If you are interested in attending please complete the application form.

Extract of Workbook

Please view an extract from the workbook which describes the process in more detail below.

Extract of Workbook 2025

Sample Accreditation Report

Please view a sample report (anonymised).

Open Book

Next Accreditation Dates