Introduction to Constellations – Learning Day 25th March 2024

An introduction to working with Constellations…

And an invitation…

On Monday March 25th 2024 I will be facilitating a learning day for AoF on the topic of constellations.  I thought it would be helpful to outline how and why I see constellations as a valuable tool for facilitators.  I am also writing this to help myself and others tune in to the day, and to gather my own thoughts on what is one of my favourite ways of working with groups.  I would be pleased to hear thoughts and questions in response to this pre-read, and even more pleased if you would join us on the day for some live exploration and learning together in a beautiful countryside setting.

Bella Mehta

Why Constellations?

Constellations offer a relational and systemic view into groups, as well as practical ways forward in terms of individual and collective momentum.  Change that arises in a group constellation is less of an action plan, and more of an internal shift that is felt and sensed.  It’s as if the activation of ‘what next’ happens during a constellation and the group is already on a new track as the constellation is complete. In a short time, and with few guided words and movements, the core work is underway. There is a feeling of something becoming resolved.

But… perhaps I’m jumping ahead here and making it sound mystical and magical for those who haven’t yet had experience of a constellation or irritating for those for who have had a different experience.  It is neither ‘magic’ nor ‘rocket science’ and on our learning day we will be exploring when and how to facilitate a constellation in addition to considering practicalities, comparing notes, and having a go.

What is the Constellations approach?

…Read article in full >

About Learning Days

£80 members, £100 non-members; Lunch and refreshments provided;

10am-4pm, Highfield Park, Hook

Association of Facilitator Learning Days offer a rich day of enquiry, collaborative learning and a gentle stretch. Participants leave with new ideas, resources and a refreshed practice having made and renewed connections.

Learning Days are an excellent opportunity for all facilitators (new, experienced and occasional) to meet, review and share good practice. These days are open to all AoF members and also offered as a Taster Day for those who are new to AoF and wish to work and learn in a collaborative environment.

To find out more, or to book a space, please email
or call us on 020 3282 7128

Bella Mehta & Brian Watts
Association of Facilitators (AoF)