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Association of Facilitators Logo
Association of Facilitators Logo

An introduction to working with constellations

The Constellations approach allows individuals to explore the quality of connections, and enhances our skills for effective relationships within groups, organisations and wider systems. It is a gentle and connected way of working and even short sessions can bring fresh perspective and insight in surprising and practical ways. Read this for background and/or as an introductory paper before attending our Constellations Learning Day.

2025-01-19T07:54:27+00:0023/01/2024|Categories: Articles, Constellations, Learning Methods|

A Cooperative Enquiry into the facilitation of online video calls

Co-enquirers and co-authors: Bella Mehta, Brian Watts, Colin Heyman, Ellie Highwood, Louise Veenhuis, Inger Bowcock, Victoria Shaw, Elizabeth Matsui, Simon Roe, Becky Venton, Ian Hiscock, Debbie Jackson-Cole Introduction In May 2020, during the coronavirus outbreak, and with various degrees of lockdown in operation across the world, the Association of Facilitators (AoF) hosted a 90-minute cooperative enquiry session, using web-based video conferencing tool Zoom, into our experiences of facilitating meetings using video technology. AoF is a member organisation dedicated to the training,

2024-09-23T18:19:40+01:0029/06/2020|Categories: Articles, Learning Methods, Video Calls|

Love over Fear an experience of assessment

Moderators, tutors and candidates of the final accreditation process of Ashridge/Hult Business School’s supervision postgraduate diploma share their experiences of a new method of assessment that aims to ‘reduce fear and develop love’ and offers unique learning opportunities for students and tutors alike. Robin Shohet, David Birch and Erik de Haan with Ineke Duit, Karen Griffin, Arne Hemkes, Leen Lambrechts and Marjan Timmer

2024-09-23T18:20:36+01:0020/07/2019|Categories: Articles, Learning Methods|

Foundation Course in Facilitation Skills

Foundation Course in Facilitation Skills - A Remarkable Journey of Self Discovery: I signed up to the AoF’s Foundation Course in Facilitation Skills with a degree of anticipation but also trepidation. Would everyone have more experience than me? Was I a good facilitator or not? Over the five day course my eyes were truly opened to

2024-09-23T18:47:59+01:0011/12/2013|Categories: Articles, Group Lessons, Learning Methods|
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