Co-operative Enquiry and Foundations in Facilitation Skills

We hope you and your families are staying well, and handling the many changes that we have all experienced over the last few months. Our virtual office remains open and we are available for dialogue and connection, and keen to offer support for you in your facilitation practice.
Zoom Cooperative Enquiry:
In May, we hosted a cooperative enquiry session into our experiences of facilitating meetings using video technology. Our joint write-up, from our session with a small group of Accredited and Affiliate Members, is available to read here. We hope you enjoy reading this summary and would be pleased to hear more of your experiences.
Continuing Training, Accreditation, Support
At the moment, our open courses and events look likely to take place as planned from Autumn 2020 onwards. We will either run these as planned or offer new dates. If you are booked to attend the Foundations in Facilitation Skills programme, we will send a confirmation email to you in late August, and if you are due to attend the November Learning Day we will confirm in September.
Finally, Accredited and Affiliate Members will have received emails outlining offers of support related to their membership and accreditation with us, including individual and peer group video calls. If this may be of interest to you, regardless of your membership status, please do get in touch.

To find out more, or to book a space, please email
or call us on 020 3282 7128

Bella Mehta & Brian Watts
Association of Facilitators (AoF)