Outdoor Learning at Hawkwood Centre for Future Thinking

Booking is open for our next Learning Day at Hawkwood Centre for Future Thinking (10am-4pm). Our topic will be “How can the outdoors help us be better facilitators”. Join Nigel Berman from School of the Wild for a participatory and experiential day in the outdoors, combining conversation and nature-based learning.

Studies have shown that outdoor learning correlates with greater group bonding and cohesion, enhanced learning outcomes, more creative thinking, well-being, concentration, behaviour, memory, and confidence.
Based around a campfire, we’ll explore different ways of answering the question of how nature can help us be better facilitators, using our head, heart and hands, and reconnecting to the wisdom of nature. You’ll leave feeling restored, energised, and inspired.

Learning Days are open to all AoF members and also offered as a Taster Day for those who are new to AoF and wish to work and learn in a collaborative environment. Do share details with those you know and feel free to come along if you want to find out more about the Association of Facilitators.

Cost are £80 members, £100 non-members, and lunch and refreshments are provided. Places are limited so please book early to secure a place. Email us or call us on 0203 282 7128.

After 12 years of training, accrediting and supporting facilitators, Brian and Bella would be interested to understand a little more about our network and members via this survey – just 10 simple questions which should take less than 5 minutes to complete. We will compile and share the results with you including any data on professional facilitation fees disclosed by survey participants. You can contribute anonymously if you wish. Thank you in advance for completing this.

FACILITATOR TRAINING 2023-2024 dates: Book Now
We continue to run our open courses, Foundations in Facilitation Skills three times a year at Highfield Park in Hook. The entire course or individual modules – The Facilitator’s Toolkit and Group Dynamics can also be delivered on an in-house basis, and via a blend of in-person and online working. The next dates, available for booking are below and the programme will also run Jan-Mar 2024, May-July 2024 and Sep-Nov 2024

The Facilitator’s Toolkit: 11-12 Sep 2023
Group Dynamics: 9-10 Oct 2023
Accreditation Day: 13 Nov 2023

Our Learning Day on Monday 18th March 2024 will be an introduction for facilitators who wish to use the Constellations approach in their work.

To find out more, or to book a space, please email
or call us on 020 3282 7128

Bella Mehta & Brian Watts
Association of Facilitators (AoF)