The Use of Drama in Facilitation, a Writing Opportunity and Happy Holidays
Our 2018 Learning Day Programme starts on 29th January with Andy Marshall leading us through the The Use of Drama in Facilitation. Please see below for a description of the day.
Our Learning/Taster Days (10am-4pm, £80+VAT for members and £100+VAT for non members, Highfield Park, Hook) are a good way to reconnect, find out more about our way of working and refresh your skills in a peer learning environment.
Many trainers and facilitators use drama-based methods and active exercises because they know that they can add great value to a learning experience by connecting with participants on an intellectual, emotional and physical level. However, their focus is often on the intellectual element and the emotional / physical can be neglected or avoided. This can arise from the facilitator’s lack of experience in using these methods, anxiety about how participants will respond or concern about ‘unleashing’ forces they may find it hard to control.
Andy Marshall will lead the group in exploring how to release the real potential of drama and active exercises in bringing learning to life and facilitating behaviour change.
Andy developed his use of active methods in working across the criminal justice system with Geese Theatre Company. The company combines CBT, social learning and role theory with drama to work with prisoners on changing their offending behaviours. For the last 15 years, Andy has refined these methods in working with many organisations in the public and private sector, including: Civil Service Learning, Welsh Government, Northern Ireland Assembly, NHS, Westminster University, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Neath Port Talbot Group of Colleges.
Places are limited. To book, please email us or call us on 0203 282 7128.
Future Learning Day Dates and Topics are:
2 July 2018 – Action Learning/Learning Lab
8 October – Managing Diversity in Groups
The AMED network (Association for Management Education and Development) are planning to dedicate their April 2018 issue to facilitation and are seeking written/co-written articles related to the experience of facilitating or being facilitated. Article ideas include (and are not limited to):
- I love facilitation because …
- What am I doing when I do it?
- Power and authority
- Co-facilitation
- The magic of groups
- When does facilitation become ‘facipulation’ (whose agenda?)
- The longest 15 seconds (the uses of silence)
- Can groups progress despite facilitation?
We will be contributing to the journal and would be happy to put you in touch with our colleagues at AMED. Please email Bob McKenzie/Steve Dilworth directly to express interest and find out more.
Wishing you a very Happy Christmas and New Year.
To find out more, or to book a space, please email
or call us on 020 3282 7128