Offers of Support

We hope you are well and handling the large-scale changes and transitions arising from the pandemic. During this time of great change, we wish to extend a few offers of support, in the spirit of being a professional “home” for facilitators, to which you all belong.
Firstly, Affiliate membership will be extended at no cost by three months. You do not need to do anything – your membership records will be updated by Katie, our General Manager. If you are due for re-accreditation during the next three months, you can undertake this remotely at any time via our Practitioner Accreditation route and, in the meantime, Affiliate Membership will be extended to you at no cost.
Secondly, we wanted to remind you that you are welcome to use our telephone/video support sessions to maintain contact and well-being through reflective practice. These virtual, one-to-one sessions have always been available at no cost to Accredited Members and we would now like to extend that offer to Affiliate Members. Please do email us to book a session, and we hope that you can make use of this opportunity to receive support and connection.
Thirdly, we are offering a group session via Zoom for anyone who would appreciate contact with other facilitators at this time. This will be a peer support and supervision opportunity. Brief session details and joining instructions will be circulated nearer the time. The first session will be held on Thursday 16th April 11:00-12:30pm and the second on Thursday 23rd April 11:00-12.30pm.  Please do email us if you wish to join.
As members, many resources to aid reflection are available to you online via the Members’ Area. These include your learning record, articles, facilitation workbooks, FACETS® self-assessment and Practitioner Accreditation. We hope that you might make use of these online resources as well as our sincere offers of support.
Finally, we intend to be reaching out to you all with a survey regarding how the lockdown is affecting you and your work, so please do let us know your thoughts, either by responding to our survey or by writing back to us.
In short, Katie is keeping our virtual office “open” and we are available for dialogue and connection.

To find out more, or to book a space, please email
or call us on 020 3282 7128

Bella Mehta & Brian Watts
Association of Facilitators (AoF)