Gestalt-Informed Bodywork

Please see details below of a 3-hour Bodywork workshop to be held online via Zoom on Monday 20th November, starting at 10 am UK time and led by AoF Board Member, Professor Paul Barber. This will be of particularly interest to facilitators who are working in a therapeutic mode and also to those from other contexts and modalities who are curious about Gestalt and the transpersonal aspects of facilitation.

Those enrolling in the workshop will receive an introductory paper in preparation for the workshop and two follow-up papers will be circulated post-workshop to reinforce its material & the learning presented: 1) Breathing & Therapy – 3 Core Breathing Techniques to Explore with Clients; & 2) A Case Study of Gestalt Informed Bodywork in Action. With these handouts you may continue to explore & experiment with further learning following your initial workshop experience.

By way of introduction, Paul writes:

“Upon the workshop I will demonstrate live practice so come prepared to volunteer! I will also address theoretical concerns & receive questions on theory & practice as necessary.

Though this is a workshop on bodywork, because the body is largely unknown territory to us all, inaccessible through thought or reason, it may be seen as a manifestation of the void. We can’t access nor control the void, though we can be led by it. The body is also wise. It cannot lie; it always exists in the now; it does not think or imagine what it is – it just is! Because I think in this way this workshop is also bound to address spirituality and the transpersonal, especially Zen. Which is merely a waking up to who and what you really are. So this workshop introduces you to ‘The Body Way!’

I am an ex-director of the Human Potential Research Group at the University of Surrey, so am robustly humanistic and counter-culture. My careers have spanned psychiatric nursing, academia, therapy and consultancy. I am trained in Gestalt, Therapeutic Community Practice and Group Facilitation. I live in Bucharest with my wife Sinziana and 9 year old daughter Lily.”

The cost of the workshop is £80 for members and £100 for non-members. Please contact us to find out more or to enrol.

To find out more, or to book a space, please email
or call us on 020 3282 7128

Bella Mehta & Brian Watts
Association of Facilitators (AoF)