Cooperative Enquiry & Peer Supervision

We trust this finds you well and are writing to offer our members two further support sessions. This is in the spirit of being a professional “home” for facilitators, to which you belong.
Monday 18th May 11:00 – 12:30: Cooperative Enquiry
By popular request we shall use this session to pool our experiences and ideas of how to facilitate in an online environment, in particular the use of zoom. Prior to the session we shall circulate a briefing paper to participants, this will help generate content. After the session we intend to write up the findings and will invite you to be as active as you wish in the editing and writing process.
Monday 1st June 11:00 – 12:30: Peer Supervision
This is an open peer support and supervision opportunity. Participants have found benefit in meeting with other facilitators, to share experience, reconnect professionally, and refresh their practice.
Brief session details and joining instructions will be circulated nearer the time. Please do email us if you wish to join.
Finally, we wanted to remind you that you are welcome to use our telephone/video support sessions to maintain contact and well-being through reflective practice. These virtual, one-to-one sessions have always been available at no cost to Accredited Members and during this time we are extending this to Affiliate Members. Please do email us to book a session, and we hope that you can make use of this opportunity to receive support and connection.

To find out more, or to book a space, please email
or call us on 020 3282 7128

Bella Mehta & Brian Watts
Association of Facilitators (AoF)