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Association of Facilitators Logo

About Martin Abel

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So far Martin Abel has created 15 blog entries.

Association of Facilitators 2023 Survey

In late 2023, we conducted a survey of facilitators in the UK, inviting responses from AoF membership and beyond, including from those who buy facilitation services. As well as some AoF-specific questions, we gathered insights into where facilitators work, fees charged, the impact of facilitator skills training and thoughts on the future of facilitation. Results and highlights are presented below. Thank you to all who took part in the survey. Highlights Most survey respondents were self-employed facilitators, with facilitation as

2024-09-23T18:22:36+01:0015/01/2024|Categories: Articles, Surveys|

Learning Days – Highfield Park

Learning Days are an excellent opportunity for all facilitators (new, experienced and occasional) to meet, review and share good practice. These days are open to all AoF members and also offered as a Taster Day for those who are new to AoF and wish to work and learn in a collaborative environment. Do share details with those you know and feel free to come along if you want to find out more about the Association of Facilitators.

2024-10-11T14:31:00+01:0021/01/2023|Categories: Newsletter|

The organisational impact of facilitation skills

An article by Bella Mehta: I am one of the several original co-founders of the Association of Facilitators (AoF). Our offering grew out of the humanistic psychology movement, in particular the work of the Human Potential Resource Group at Surrey University, the emergence of Facilitation Styles training, and the integration of Gestalt approaches into organisational development.This article attempts to describe the principles of facilitative working that seem to generate a positive impact within organisations. I do not intend to dwell for too long

2024-09-23T18:23:48+01:0014/08/2018|Categories: Articles, Impact|

Foundation Course in Facilitation Skills

Foundation Course in Facilitation Skills - A Remarkable Journey of Self Discovery: I signed up to the AoF’s Foundation Course in Facilitation Skills with a degree of anticipation but also trepidation. Would everyone have more experience than me? Was I a good facilitator or not? Over the five day course my eyes were truly opened to

2024-09-23T18:47:59+01:0011/12/2013|Categories: Articles, Group Lessons, Learning Methods|

Why understanding group dynamics improves leadership

Learning more about the invisible assumptions, experiences and behaviours of groups is an essential leadership skill, says Bella Mehta, founding director of Association of Facilitators. As a trained scientist leading my first project in the world of consultancy, it soon dawned on me (with a degree of fear) that 'group dynamics' were going to influence our achievement much more than the quality of our research data or the qualifications we all held...

2024-09-23T20:24:37+01:0010/04/2013|Categories: Articles, Experienced Opinions|
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